10 March, 2013

A lighter shade of brown

Today it will get dark an hour later. Spring is almost here. I can feel it!

09 March, 2013

Naked with a mocha

I snuck out to Manhattan this morning for a little quality time with myself. It's different now, feeling naked without the baby attached to me, a reminder that I am an individual unto myself.
Not mother.
Not sister.
Not daughter.
Not wife.

Just me.

I resist the urge to make lists and be productive. For now, it's just me and a cafe mocha at City Bakery.


08 March, 2013

Project: Living room

The living room needs some love.

After being in the apartment for over four years, we're ready to rework the main living space in favor of something more functional, sophisticated and, well, grown up.

Right now it's a combination of Ikea (mostly from the As-Is department after the Brooklyn store opened), street finds (the black and white Finnish designer chairs and the quirky, broken metal fan) and hand-me-downs.

We definitely want to keep the following:
-painting (done by a very talented friend of mine, Nicholas Kashian), although it needs to be stretched and framed
-yellow sideboard
-large wardrobe-turned-media storage unit that came from Germany, although it's badly in need of stripping and new paint
-white Geneva speaker/ stereo system

Where to begin??

05 March, 2013

Baked goodness

They stare out at you on the street, imploring you to come in and taste the sweet, rich doughy goodness.

I had to photograph the black & whites for you, my love.

But I didn't go in. Not this time. Not this time.

01 March, 2013

Italy minus eight

Memories from an adventure long ago. Eight years feels like an entire lifetime. ...walking the streets of Napoli... trains, boats, sunburn, churches...  tall glasses of cool white wine, the crisp late summer market of Bolzano... Where does the time go? Where does it go? It's gone.

Ferrara certosa

One of my fondest school memories was doing rubbings of gravestones in the cemetery of the small white church across the street from my elementary school. I've always loved cemeteries.

This series was from 2006 when I lived in the small northern Italian city of Ferrara. I would often ride my bike to the large cemetery on the north side of the city, my camera tucked away in the basket on the front of my bike. This place was really special; I look forward to go back someday.

I have many more photos from this series. I've never done anything with these pictures other than let them take up memory on my hard drive. It's time to let them out of my computer.