28 June, 2013

Amish farm stand

This is one of the things that makes me love summer: the farm stands have opened for the season. The produce is fresh, beautiful and imperfect. 

This evening the sky opened up and rained thick drops against the backdrop that glowed an intense dusty blue. Afterward the sun came out and illuminated the house and landscape like a giant golden treasure box. 

21 June, 2013

Red Hook

Today is the summer solstice and also my little man's first birthday. It felt appropriate to visit our old stomping ground, Red Hook in honor of the day. 

June 21, 2013. 


08 June, 2013

the unofficial start of summer

Celebrate Brooklyn's opening night of the 35th annual summer concert series in Prospect Park.


Patty Griffin, a new discovery. 

Beautiful evening. 
Great friends. 
Inspiring music. 

Brooklyn Bridge Park is like a revelation for the weary city dweller. With sweeping views of Manhattan, boats gliding up and down the East River and the lovely ever-present Brooklyn Bridge in the background, the park is brilliant. 

I love this city! Let the summer begin. 

07 June, 2013

the perfect container, no. 1

Leftover broccoli. It's not perfect perfect, but it's close enough. 

The next time we meet

We drove out to the country after sundown last week and threw open the bedroom windows when we arrived to cool down the warm, stuffy room before finally falling asleep.

I woke with the dawn; the cicadas song had already begun and I smiled to myself, feeling that all was right with the world as I drifted back to sleep. 

They come every seventeen years. Last time they were here I was just out of high school, anticipating what the next step of my life would bring. Next time they come I will be fifty, and my son will be like my younger self, about to enter his last year of high school. The following I will be sixty seven, then eighty four, then one hundred one, if I make it so long. 

My god, we are insignificant 

World, you are amazing.