23 August, 2013

Roasted tomatoes

With summer gardens lush and overflowing with tomatoes, roasting is a perfect way to prepare them. It works best with plum tomatoes, but can also be used with any. 

This is based on the Barefoot Contessa's recipe:

Half (or quarter) tomatoes and remove seeds
Distribute evenly on baking sheet and drizzle with vinaigrette mixture:

1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp. good balsamic vinegar
2 garlic cloves, minced or crushed
1 tsp. sugar (adjust to personal taste)
Salt & pepper

Cook for 20-30 minutes at 450F degrees.

I did these around 11:00 pm, only to discover I have a very sensitive smoke detector in the apartment. Oops! But it was definitely worth it. 

I can eat them alone, in sauce, on sandwiches, in omelettes... Anything. Plus they're easy to freeze for the upcoming winter. 

19 August, 2013

concepts, ideas, directions

There are several concepts we've been reading about in our household over the past few months. At first glance, they may seem disparate and unrelated. However, as we mull these things over, start chewing and delving a little deeper (even just on the theoretical level), everything's seems to be slowly drawing together. Weaving gracefully in and out, creating a concept and a path to follow. 

The concepts are as follows:

Zero waste. 
Ethical consumption. 
Paleo/ primal/ slow carb. 

I feel the beginning of a project coming on, but am hesitant to make any kind of official declarations (to myself or otherwise). But the seeds are planted. And they are growing. 

I'm curious to see how we will go from here.

18 August, 2013

Farm visit: Herring's Green Grass Farm

We just paid a visit to Herring's Green Grass Farm to purchase fresh eggs and chickens. While there, we walked around the farm and visited the chickens, pigs, goats and rabbits. My little guy was fascinated with the chickens, their odd sounds and movements. He's only seen them in picture books before today. 

We don't eat much meat in our house; we generally eat only fish (which I also have philosophical issues with). However, when we do eat chicken, I feel good about consuming them from a farm like Herring's. They take good care of their animals and of the land they live on. This is how farming should be done! For more info, their website is here: 

Sunday morning European breakfast with friends

Boiled eggs in egg cups with tiny spoons
Cheeses: edam, aged cheddar, camembert 
Smoked salmon
Cream cheese, capers, red onion
Fresh, local cantaloupe 
Almond plum torte
Rolls/ Brötchen
Yesterday's doughnuts
Kerry gold butter
Jams, Nutella 
Orange juice


15 August, 2013

Studio visit: material-alchemy.com

I recently visited the workshop of the  luthier, blogger and all-around tinkerer/ mad scientist: material-alchemy.com. 

His first foray into classical guitar making had him creating two guitars at once. With that project complete, he's now creating three more classical guitars simultaneously in order to test variables and experiment with different materials, techniques and finishes. I don't know if it's madness or brilliance, but either way he's got a gorgeous workshop set up in the basement of his late-1800's era home. 

11 August, 2013

Gowanus: Claymation Christmas Celebration

What's not to love about Christmas cassettes on the sidewalk in July? Aside from the litter aspect, that is. 

Gowanus area: 3rd Street, West 9th Street, Huntington dead end. 

Roasted vegetables: carrots + golden beets

I am officially obsessed with roasted vegetables. They're so beautiful, so simple and so delicious.

Cut into evenly sized pieces. Toss generously with extra virgin olive oil and sea salt. Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit until amazing. 



After: Wrinkly goodness